
Ukraine / 2017 / 17 min

Regia / DirectorPauline Zapolska
Sceneggiatura / ScreenplayPauline Zapolska
Montaggio / EditingPauline Zapolska
Fotografia / Cinematography: Vitold Yavdoshchuk, Olexandra Hriazonova
Musica / Music: “Lullaby for a Troubled Boy” – Ronald Boersen

Sinossi / Synopsis
Ivan e Olya sono sempre insieme e si sono innamorati. Insieme, hanno superato molte difficoltà, hanno lavorato e, dopo la dissoluzione dell’Unione Sovietica, sono andati all’estero come migranti. Quest’anno, per la prima volta da molti anni, Olya va in Repubblica Ceca da sola. Perché lei va lì? Perché torna? Viaggeremo con lei a Praga e torneremo in Ucraina per trovare le risposte.

Ivan and Olya are always together. When they were teenagers, they fell in love with each other. Together, they overcame many hardships, they worked together and, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, they went abroad as trade migrants, also together. This year, for the first time in many years, Olya goes to Czech Republic alone. Due to a trauma, Ivan had stay at home, and Olya will spend over three month in Prague as a housemaid. Why does she go there? Why does she come back? We will travel with her to Prague and come back to Ukraine to find the answers.