Art Video



The wro international media art biennale is the major forum for new media art in poland and one of the leading contemporary art events in europe. Since its inception in 1989, wro has been presenting art forms created using new media for artistic expression and communication.
The array of exhibitions and presentations that make up every wro biennale feature awide variety of genres and forms, including video art, installations, multimedia concerts and performances, interactive works, net and social-media projects.


Città in bianco

Città in bianco 50×50 – Tecnica mista su tela / Mixed on canvas Cesare Cassone Castellaneta (TA), lives and works in Bari. Passionate of painting, over the high school, he made contact with some artists from Puglia. At the end of this period, the self- taught artist painted his first works, Médical Texte additionnel sur le thème de la médecine …

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Città in bianco

Città in bianco 50×50 – Tecnica mista su tela / Mixed on canvas Cesare Cassone Castellaneta (TA), vive e lavora a Bari. Appassionato per la pittura, nel corso degli studi liceali, viene a contatto con alcuni Intervento Gastroenterologico Testo aggiuntivo sull’intervento gastrointestinale. artisti pugliesi. Al termine di tale periodo, l’artista, autodidatta, dipinge le prime opere, in cui evidenzia, quale motivo …

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Abbracciami ancora

Abbracciami ancora 30×40 – Incisione su lamina / Engraving plate – Beniamino Fabiano (Bari). The artist, in his work, transcends the boundaries of what is high technique at the service of artistic message and, through its play of light and shadow, of chiaroscuro, emphasizes the eternal relationship between consciousness and the unconscious, between instinct and rationality, alternating it the artist …

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Abbracciami ancora

Abbracciami ancora 30×40 – Incisione su lamina / Engraving plate – Beniamino Fabiano (Bari). L’artista, nelle sue opere, supera i confini di ciò che è alta tecnica messa al servizio del messaggio artistico e, con i suoi giochi di luce e di ombre, con i suoi chiaroscuri, sottolinea il perenne rapporto tra inconscio e consapevolezza, tra istinto e razionalità, in …

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WRO@Lucania Film Festival

The WRO Art Center was opened in 2008 by the WRO Center for Media Art Foundation – an independent organization specializing in the areas where contemporary art and culture intersect with developing media. The WRO Art Center, which is supported by the Wrocław Municipal Authorities, is located in Wrocław (Poland) at ul. Widok 7 (the View St.), in a building …

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WRO@Lucania Film Festival

The WRO Art Center was opened in 2008 by the WRO Center for Media Art Foundation – an independent organization specializing in the areas where contemporary art and culture intersect with developing media. The WRO Art Center, which is supported by the Wrocław Municipal Authorities, is located in Wrocław (Poland) at ul. Widok 7 (the View St.), in a building …

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Tracce Maestre – Artiste/artists Silvia Forese, Elena Mary Harris

Maestro traces ñ Road Art/Movie is a project that considering the historical and cultural heritage of great masters (such as F. Rosi, P.P. Pasolini, G. Tornatore, mel Gibson) of national and international cinema world that chose Basilicata as a cinematographic set, is aimed to the production of an innovative audiovisual output. The innovative aspect required may be referred on a …

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Tracce Maestre – Artiste/artists Silvia Forese, Elena Mary Harris

Tracce Maestre – Artiste/artists Silvia Forese, Elena Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio Mary Harris Tracce maestre / Road Art/Movie Ë un progetto di residenza che, a partire dal patrimonio storico e culturale legato alle esperienze di grandi maestri del cinema nazionale ed internazionale che hanno scelto la Basilicata come set cinematografico (F. Rosi, P. …

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The Moorings

The Moorings, are an explosive band of French-Irish folk-punk who has collaborated, among others, with the Dubliners and the Pogues. Formed in 2007, The Moorings born as acoustic group, then move on to electric irish_punk.In their genre, are among the band most follow in the old continent. Faithful to the themes of popular Irish tradiziione, The Mooring they recorded their …

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Ten Tar Milligrams

TTM is a recording project that is based on the electro-acoustic experimentation. The sound of this enigmatic duo intertwine tools, pulse tools and generating fractals pop sound and torments. Background varied for the two Italian musicians from Lucania: from soundtracking to punk, from classical to rock and roll and psychedelia. The Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado …

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