Art Video



The wro international media art biennale is the major forum for new media art in poland and one of the leading contemporary art events in europe. Since its inception in 1989, wro has been presenting art forms created using new media for artistic expression and communication.
The array of exhibitions and presentations that make up every wro biennale feature awide variety of genres and forms, including video art, installations, multimedia concerts and performances, interactive works, net and social-media projects.


Mikhoard Bar Bam Khane

Mikhoard Bar Bam Khane di Teymour Ghaderi – 3 min – 2014 – Iran – fic A young boy is at home, alone with his sick mother. It is raining outside and the roof of theirhome is dripping. He is playing with his toys, and also collecting the pouring water but one spot is very challenging where his mother is …

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Mikhoard Bar Bam Khane

Mikhoard Bar Bam Khane di Teymour Ghaderi – 3 min – 2014 – Iran – fic Un ragazzo è a case solo con la madre malata. Fuori piove e i letto gocciola. Lui raccoglie l’acqua dove la madre sat dormant. Vuole tenere sue madre in un logo asciutto e non vole svegliarla.

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Les Petits Cailloux

Les Petits Cailloux di Cholè Mazlo – 15 min – 2013 – France – fic Chloe is a young woman who leads a small and happy life, letting herself be happily by the things of life… with a certain nonchalance. But visceral physical pain makes herself bend little by little. Where does this mysterious illness come from? Will Chloé succeed …

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Les Petits Cailloux

Les Petits Cailloux di Cholè Mazlo – 15 min – 2013 – France – fic Chloe Ë una giovane donna che si lascia trasportare felicemente dalle cose della vita. Ma una sofferenza fisica viscerale la rende curva poco a poco, turbando la sua vita spensierata. Si ritrova costretta a portare il peso del suo male insondabile. Da dove viene questa …

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Hermann by Gerd Reda – 13 min – 2014 – Germany – fic Herrmann is a leftist Thirty Something, who is still politically active, despite beginning to live the usual life of having a girlfriend and a child. On the way to his weekly political meeting he is kidnapped.

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Hermann di Gerd Reda – 13 min – 2014 – Germany – fic Herrmann Ë un sinistroide del “Thirty Something”, che Ë ancora politicamente attivo, nonostante la sua fosse una vita ordinaria con una ragazza e un figlio. Sulla strada del suo incontro politico settimanale viene rapito

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Come And Play

Come And Play by Daria Belova – 30 min –- 2014 – Germany – fic Berlin. Grisha, a Russian-German boy, fools around with a toy gun. The longer he plays, the further he is thrust into an altered reality. The boundaries between the present and the past start to blur. Images from a bygone Berlin appear; streets and buildings still …

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Come And Play

Come And Play di Daria Belova – 30 min –- 2014 – Germany – fic Berlino. Grisha, un ragazzo russo-tedesco, fa lo sciocco con una pistola giocattolo. Più a lungo si gioca, più si è spinti in una realtà alterata. I confini tra il presente e il passato cominciano a sfumare. Immagini da una passata di Berlino appaiono; le strade …

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Bayad Siah

Bayad Siah di Baran Sarmad – 2 min – – 2014 – Iran – fic Somethings for salvation you mast be black

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Bayad Siah

Bayad Siah di Baran Sarmad – 2 min – – 2014 – Iran – fic A volte bisogna usare il nero per salvarsi

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