Art Video



The wro international media art biennale is the major forum for new media art in poland and one of the leading contemporary art events in europe. Since its inception in 1989, wro has been presenting art forms created using new media for artistic expression and communication.
The array of exhibitions and presentations that make up every wro biennale feature awide variety of genres and forms, including video art, installations, multimedia concerts and performances, interactive works, net and social-media projects.


Beyond the man

Beyond the man Nicola Ragone, Fiction, Italy A miner and a young boy are trapped in a mine, due to a grisou gas explotion. There is no way out.

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Oltre l’uomo

Oltre l’uomo Nicola Ragone, Fiction, Italy Un picconiere e un caruso rimangono intrappolati in miniera, a causa di un’esplosione di gas grisou. Non c’è via di uscita.

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I never speak

I never speak Raffaele Salvaggiola, Fiction, Italy 5th of May 2010. The life of Tommasi Liberti, a young temporary mathematics teacher, goes through thick and thin. The unexpected substitution of 5 hours gotten in extremis for the last month of the school opens its door to a dream. Will it come true?

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Io non parlo mai

Io non parlo mai Raffaele Salvaggiola, Fiction, Italy 5Maggio 2010. La vita di Tommaso Liberti, giovane insegnante precario di matematica, procede tra alti e bassi. L’inaspettata supplenza di cinque ore acciuffata in extremis per l’ultimo mese di scuola apre le porte a un sogno. Lo realizzerà?

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Amour imagination rève

Amour imagination rève Gerardo Sicuro, Fiction , Italia E’ dentro di noi un bambino che ci spinge ad osservare la bellezza in una condizione di originaria purezza. Un ritrovamento dell’animo e dello sguardo come un istante vissuto sempre per la prima volta, condizione necessaria per intraprendere un viaggio e scoprire un territorio. E’il raccontare per immagini di un giovane protagonista …

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Amour imagination rève

Amour imagination rève Gerardo Sicuro, Fiction , Italia E’ dentro di noi un bambino che ci spinge ad osservare la bellezza in una condizione di originaria purezza. Un ritrovamento dell’animo e dello sguardo come un istante vissuto sempre per la prima volta, condizione necessaria per intraprendere un viaggio e scoprire un territorio. E’il raccontare per immagini di un giovane protagonista …

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Elena (Brasile, USA/2012/80′) di Petra Costa Elena dreamed about being an actress. Elena escaped from an oppressive and dead end Brasil. Elena is missing. His sister Petra was just seven, thirteen years younger than her, but she never forgot the memory of Elena. Nowadays Petra, young film maker, follows her sister traces in a chaotic New York reflecting her painful …

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Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (USA/2012/91′) di Alison Klayman The most famous contemporary Chinese artist. Direct,  provocative, revolutionary. The truth about a dissident from the digital age told up close, about a man who against daunting forces ruptured the barrier between art and politics. The Chinese government has attempted to silence him with all possible ways: through physical violence, banning his …

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Matilde Vito Palmieri, Fiction, Italy Despite of being few words, Matilde is a little girl lively intelligence and with a strong personality. At schools, however there is something that seems to up set her. Combining suggestions of her teacher, the interested in hairdresser tools of her mother and the passion for tennis, Matilde is looking for a drastic and surprising …

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Matilde Vito Palmieri, Fiction, Italy Pur essendo di poche parole, Matilde è una bambina dall’intelligenza vivace e dalla personalità spiccata. Tra i banchi di scuola, però, c’è qualcosa che sembra turbarla. Combinando le suggestioni ricevute dal suo maestro, l’interesse per gli strumenti da parrucchiera della madre e la passione per il tennis, Matilde cerca una soluzione drastica e sorprendente per …

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