Ten Tar Milligrams

TTM is a recording project that is based on the electro-acoustic experimentation. The sound of this enigmatic duo intertwine tools, pulse tools and generating fractals pop sound and torments. Background varied for the two Italian musicians from Lucania: from soundtracking to punk, from classical to rock and roll and psychedelia. The Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado …

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Six Memos

Italo Calvino can be re-interpreted through a jazz standard? And you can read the whole history of contemporary American jazz through the values that Calvino proposed in his posthumous masterpiece “American Lessons”? The six proposals for the new millennium, even the six memos for the next millenium, identified by Italo Calvino, become the red wire to revive six qualities of …

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Six Memos

PuÚ Italo Calvino essere riletto attraverso uno standard jazz? Ed Ë possibile rileggere la storia tutta contemporanea del jazz americano attraverso i valori che Calvino propose nel suo capolavoro postumo ìLezioni americaneî? Le sei proposte per il nuovo millennio, anzi i six memos for the next millenium, individuati da Italo Calvino, diventano il filo rosso per riproporre sei qualit‡ della …

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On the 11th and 12th August , as part of Pstories main project, the venue of Act Circus will host the workshop of narrative technique “The magic of stories”, held by teachers and artists of a storytelling company from Rome called “Raccontami una storia”. The workshop will explore the technique of improvised oral storytelling use, according to the rule handed …

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L’11 e il 12 agosto, nell’ambito di p-stories, cappello progetto, i locali dell’ Act Circus ospiteranno il laboratorio sulle tecniche narrative “La Magia delle storie”, a cura dei docenti/artisti della compagnia romana di storytelling Raccontamiunastoria. Il laboratorio esplorerà le tecniche della narrazione orale improvvisata secondo le regole tramandate dai cantastorie, mettendo a fuoco il potere di trasformazione e l’elemento magico …

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Ade Capone, one of the authors, presents the TV format and the realtive publishing projects. At the same time, live investigation of entities in a haunted place, projected on the big screen of the Festival, by the PIT (Paranomal Investgation Team) “. A great live event branded “Mistero”, one of the most successful television program in recent years (broadcast on …

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A journey in Studio 5 at Cinecittà, full of “fellinesque images”, populated by characters created on paper, drawn, sketched, with craggy features, large breasted or doublespeak. A documentary film that chronicles, in an objective way, a tribute that the maestro Scola draws for his friend and colleague Fellini. The nostalgia for a cinema that no longer exists: voices, memories, dreams, …

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Un viaggio nel Teatro 5 di Cinecittà, intriso di immagini “fellinesque”, popolato da personaggi creati sulla carta, disegnati, abbozzati, dai tratti marcati, dai seni prorompenti o dal gergo incomprensibile. Un documento filmico che racconta, in modo oggettivo, l’omaggio che il maestro Scola disegna per il suo amico e collega Fellini. La nostalgia di un cinema che non esiste più: voci, …

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Emerson Leal

Emerson Leal, Brazilian musician who combines in his art music style of popular music with contemporary influences brasilera new and curious. His original compositions contain an ingenious work of harmony, melody and rhythm, conceived from his personal style of playing the guitar Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio and singing. His artistic career has led …

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Cine_Walk – Master Traces

The LFF opens itself to a new way of enjoying cinema with the help of an audioradio. Carlo Infante, Performing Media freelance, will accompany the festival audience, wearing a head- phones ,to a radio – tale journey in the street of Pisticci on the traces of Visconti and on the footsteps of the movie in competition at Lucania Film Festival, …

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