Cortometraggi – 15a @en


Kamienica by Agnieszka Burszewska – 14’ – Polonia Story that takes place in a Polish town forgotten in the era of communist regime. Living is hard due to the lack of basic products, the stores are empty. In the bars people are very nice and all respect the rules of good manners, but in their behavior a certain artificiality is …

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Hotzanak, Per la tua sicurezza

Hotzanak, Per la tua sicurezza di Izibene Oñederra – 5’ – Spagna I told her I was a filmmaker… and nothing has changed. Amid these landscapes traipses the soul, at times certain, at others uncertain of its own existence, while the body is and is and is and has no place of its own

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Hipopotamy by Piotr Dumala – 6’ – Polonia A few naked women and children are bathing in a river. They are being secretly observed by a group of men, who, at one point, decide to approach them, in a violent manner, as if Medici Generici servizio di assistenza medica a domicilio Roma Il nostro team fornisce un servizio di assistenza …

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Gruby & Chudy

Gruby & Chudy by Aleksandry Brozyny – 9’ – Polonia The film takes place in an environment similar to Chinatown. There are two young people very different from each other; living in different places, dealing with different things, different people around them. When a cat takes over k, the world of the two young people will slowly begin to change.

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Grimm cafè

Grimm cafè by Márton Szirmai – 9’ – Ungheria And they lived happily ever after… But did they? What happened to the Grimm characters after their stories had finished?

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Galus galus

Galus galus by Clarissa Duque – 11’ – Venezuela A homeless man goes beyond his limits to save his friend, a chicken. He shows us that family and friendships are often worth risks and sacrifices. What evil forces will separate this man from his faithful friend?

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Eugenia by Deborah Cywiner – 14’ – Israele It seemed that Eugenia had no future the poor seamstress. She didn?t have anything else but a sewing machine and an old rag doll named Fortunata. At her tiny little wooden house she sits and sews continuously from dawn to dusk hopelessly devoted and having nothing to hope for. Was it destiny …

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Canis by Marc Riba & Anna Solanas – 17’ – Spagna Teo survives isolated in a house constantly besieged by a horde of stray dog.

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A thing so small

A thing so small by Mizmor Watzman – 10’ – Israele Outside a small house nestled among mountains, a little girl named Lali happily plays. An autumn breeze brings death with it. Lali, curious and innocent, finds herself grappling with the death of the grandmother she loved.

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