Russia – 2017 – 23’
Regia / Director: Ivan Plechev
Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Ivan Plechev
Montaggio / Editing: Anastasiya Zolotareva
Fotografia / Cinematography: Nikolay Platonov
Musica / Music: Dmitriy Veremeyev
Interpreti / Cast: Eldar Kalimulin, Vitaliy Kishchenko, Ivan Mulin, Arthur Muhammadyarov, Ekaterina Sedik, Elizaveta Vodolazskaya
Sinossi / Synopsis
Questa è la storia di un figlio e di un padre che hanno molti segreti tra loro. Presto se ne accorgeranno.
This is a story of son and his father. They have many secrets from each other. Soon they will recognize them.
Biografia / Biography:
Ivan Plechev nasce il 09.09.1991 a Mosca. Si è laureato al The Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) e al The Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (VKSR) come regista. Dal 2016 lavora nell’industria cinematografica.
Ivan Plechev was born on 09.09.1991 in Moscow. Graduated from The Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) and The Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (VKSR) as a film director. Since 2016 has been working in film industry.